Current Events
Packing Food for Kids
Backpacking is our way of helping to fill the food gap for students who are on the school Free and Reduced Lunch program. We pack healthy, nutritious food weekly for children and their families during the school year. If you have an interest in helping pack, gathering supplies, recruiting donations or being involved in any way please contact the church office for more information: 509-548-5619
KIVA is a system to make small loans to individuals around the world. It makes micro-financing from our revolving fund to places where normal banking is otherwise unavailable. The loans usually provide working capital to increase business, farms, or education. We meet monthly to keep several hundred loans active in dozens of countries. All are welcome to donate their time and energy to maintaining this effort.
Sisters of Faith
The Sisters of Faith is a group of non-denominational women who gather in fellowship once a month. The focus of the group is to learn and grow spiritually, to support each other in our faith, to serve our community and advocate for justice.
AA Meetings
LCUMC is privileged to host a local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.
A.A. has a solution. That isn't an empty promise. A.A. has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years. A.A.'s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another. If your drinking is out of control, A.A. can help. If you would like to attend a meeting please feel free to stop by or reach out to our office (leavenworthumc@outlook.com) and we can connect you directly with the AA organizer.

Check out our monthly newsletters for our calendar of upcoming events.
Link to Newsletter page.