What We Do

Sisters of Faith

Sisters of Faith is a non-denominational women’s group. Our mission is meeting the needs of the least and the lost, fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice.  Women of all ages are encouraged to join us. 

To support our mission we sponsor and connect with : M.E.N.D., the Blood Drive, Nason Creek Rest Stop and the Hospital Guild. Within our church we sponsor : collection boxes for those in the military; backpacks, food packs, and school supplies for school children; non-perishable food collections for the Community Cupboard; Christmas Giving Tree for teens; and outreach to our sick and shut-ins.

Each year, for three Saturdays in December, we host a luncheon for the dozens of bus drivers that bring in tourists for the holiday festivities.  At the same time, we sponsor our Christmas Craft Bazaar which is open to the community.

Backpack Mission

Five years ago, we started a program to feed hungry school children over the weekend when they wouldn’t be receiving meals through the schools’ “Free and Reduced Lunch” program. In the beginning, we were feeding nine children per week. The program has now grown to the point that we are packing over 40 bags of food each week, and delivering to all of the schools in the Cascade School District.

The continuation of this program depends on good-hearted people who care enough to step up and make a contribution. If you are interested in helping financially, you can make a tax-deductible donation directly to us through Tithely or by making out a check to Leavenworth Community United Methodist Church and designating it to the BackPack Mission.  One hundred percent of donations go directly to purchasing food for hungry children.

Children who eat healthy food over the weekend, do better in school on Mondays. We’d love to have you join us in making that happen!


KIVA is a system to make small loans to individuals around the world. It makes micro-financing from our revolving fund to places where normal banking is otherwise unavailable. The loans usually provide working capital to increase business, farms, or education. We meet monthly to keep several hundred loans active in dozens of countries. All are welcome to donate their time and energy to maintaining this effort.

More LCUMC Groups


UMCOR - United Methodist Committee on Relief

Our church’s outreach program, in addition to direct donations collected and forwarded to UMCOR to further their efforts, includes sending volunteers periodically to one of their two facilities which packages goods and gets them ready to be shipped to needed areas throughout the world.

Relief-supply kits help provide care for the most vulnerable people during times of crisis. Health kits, sewing kits, school kits, bedding kits, birthing kits, and cleaning buckets are collected by generous donors across the United States. These items are then sent to one of two supply depots (Baldwin, LA and Salt Lake City, UT), where volunteers assemble, verify, and pack the kits so that they can be sent to where they are needed most.

Kits also help sustain everyday life for people who lack ready access to essential supplies. They provide vital support for UMCOR’s global development work and make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Mom’s Day Out

This is a local church initiative, lead by Pam Ennis, which is provided for those families in our local community who need a low cost alternative for their preschool aged children. This activity group meets from 9:00 am until noon, on Friday mornings (during the school year). Although pre-registration on a monthly basis is preferred, drop-ins are welcome.  Inquiries regarding enrollment or curriculum can be obtained by phoning the church office or by email.

Mountain Meadows Senior Living Center

As one of our most important outreach programs to our elderly in our community, Pastor Matt and Carolyn Giger periodically lead a worship service for this facility, in rotation with other local churches.

Red Bucket Bell Ringers

Every Saturday and Sunday during the three weeks of Christmas Lighting in Leavenworth, in excess of forty volunteers from LCUMC man the “red bucket” and ring the bell for donations. The proceeds go directly to the Community Cupboard.

More Offerings

Men’s Breakfast : meets first Wednesday, Krystals

Advent Study : 4 weeks of Advent- study on specific book or theme

Lenten Study : 5 weeks of Lent –  study on specific book or theme

KIVA Team Mission Project (TBD)

“Song of the Shadows” a Good Friday Cantata

Nason Creek Rest Area Host/Hostesses  (dates are TBD), a UMW project

Stuff the Bus (dates are TBD), a UMW project

Vacation Bible School : Summer 2020

Thanksgiving Day Dinner

UMW Craft Fair : First three Saturdays in December

Luncheon for Bus Drivers : Saturdays in December during tree lighting